Saturday, May 15, 2010
The winds may be a changin'.............
Feeling a little more optimistic today; communications between me and my human angel have given me a little boost. I'm not the most patient person in the world - no, really? - and when I have an idea, or a course I'm following, it has to happen now! Things don't work that way in real life and I get discouraged real quick. BUT, then I bounce back pretty quickly. I can't allow myself to feel defeated or beat cause it's just not in my nature to "lay down and die". Have taken some positive steps and getting my word and message to a couple of influential folks in NYC on behalf of the Island, one of whom is very well known - he'll probably just think I'm a "nut", if he even gets my message, but I'm not - just passionate, single minded with a mission. Hey, gotta do what you gotta do and putting my thoughts out there in the universe may just yield some action. What is it they say that if you think it and say it, it's out there waiting to be interecepted - or something like that. I continue to believe that John's plan was not just about him, but a much bigger picture. As a friend told me, John's guiding me on the journey and it's up to me to figure out how to follow the guideposts he's placing in front of me - doing my best John and something good will come out of all that I'm doing. Stay tuned! Is anyone reading any of this? Missing a lot if not :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Traveling a different path reach a common goal...
To those who have asked, I am familiar with The Hart Island Project, Melinda Hunt and all that she has done and continues to do to assist families locate family members through records. My interest is, however, more focused on the Island itself and what can and must be done to restore and preserve this historical place that is now the final home for thousands and thousands.............. and thousands. I never knew anything about Hart Island but the more I learn, the more I'm appalled at the lack of care the Island receives, given its history, but more importantly because it is and always will be a cemetery and final resting place. At the same time, I'm amazed at how much beauty there really exists on the Island - buildings that have been there for decades, even a Chapel - how apropos - to name a few. Something is just not right about the disrespect the Island is given, not to mention that access to all who might want to visit and pay respects, other than having to prove you have family buried there, is impossible. What about journalists, photographers, writers, etc., who are not allowed access? What is the DOC hiding? So, I'd like to know why this New York history is being thrown away and ignored? And many New Yorkers should be asking the same question. The fact my brother will never return to his real home, and that he must remain on the Island for all eternity, is the impetus and inspiration for me to do what I can do to help bring dignity and respect to all who now call Hart Island their [final] "home". And while this has been an extremely personal journey for me, I am determined not to allow it to be for naught. I started this journey for my brother, and whether he is found or not, I intend to continue the journey , not only for him but for all the other souls buried along with him. I hope whoever visits this Blog will read all the postings and get a better idea of where I'm going and what I am trying to do. In whatever form or manner, we are many with a common goal. This is my mission.
Monday, May 10, 2010
I'm ba-a-a-a-a--ack............
Okay, if you re-read my January 16, 2010 posting, you will know money is a big topic (and necessity) for getting what I have planned off the ground. John must have been giving me some spiritual kicking in my sleep or something because, although I had this idea in late 2009 but never did anything with it, today I did something! No real thought, no hesitation, and as I wrote to a friend, it just all flowed so I know it's right. Even I can't believe some of the things I do but not going to question - just do! Hopefully, I will reach my intended target. This is all I will say for now :)
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