Saturday, July 2, 2011

I've quit smoking don't mess with me

Well, haven't heard back from the Chair of the Fire & Criminal Justice Committee, Elizabeth Crowley, so guess what?  Below is my latest.  All I can ask is "what is wrong with these people"?

Dear Council Member Crowley:
This will serve as a follow-up to mine of May 19, 2011, as noted below. Has any progress been made in the investigation of the Department of Corrections and the incident involving my brother's remains? Has this topic been listed as an Agenda item for an upcoming meeting? Will an Oversight Hearing be held? Do you intend to do anything about the wrongful manner in which I, and other city officials, were treated as a result? And is it the intention of the Fire & Safety Commission to allow the Department of Corrections to, once again, get away with such irresponsible behavior with no consequences? Let me ask you one more question: If this was YOUR brother we were talking about, would you simply let it go as just another bureaucratic foul up and move on?

As I've stated previously to you and Jim Oddo, I've no doubt everyone wishes I would just go away. As you can see, I will not. Jim Oddo all but promised his support & assistance in my efforts to bring the Department of Corrections to justice in this particular situation and to, hopefully, gain something positive from this most unfortunate situation. I'm not quite sure, although I can understand all the important issues the Council has before it, how something like this is "okay" with you, Jim Oddo, or any other Council member, and not recognizing the need for an investigation, positive change, and justice, not only on my behalf, but on behalf of all families I've no doubt this has happened to. I remain most sincerely, Julie Lantz. I do hope that you will find the time to, at the very least, acknowledge me and a most important issue I bring to you.

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